Business Solutions for September 2014 - page 6

Techniques for team building have included everything from
completing obstacle courses together to paintball competitions.
Yet, many question whether these tactics translate into positive
teamwork back at the office. So what really works? Here are five
keys to building a better team:
Take the Lead
As a team leader, it’s important for you to be familiar with your
own strengths and weaknesses, as well as your leadership style.
If you’re in a position to choose your team members, pick people
who complement your skills and knowledge. Remember to include
people who may disagree with you sometimes. Once your team is
established, model the behavior you’d like them to exhibit.
Set Clear Goals
It’s important that team members understand the expectations for
the group as a whole and themselves as individuals. A collective
vision helps team members stay motivated and allows them to
know when they’ve succeeded. Team members should also under-
stand how the team furthers the goals of the company. Encourage
team members to help set targets and determine the best methods
for accomplishing them.
Build Trust
Great teams allow members to voice opinions and ideas without
fear of retribution. But this doesn’t happen overnight; trust is
built over time. Establish formal methods for communicating
issues and concerns. This may include a daily check-in meeting,
weekly reports, or quarterly reviews. Also, make room in the
team’s workflow for spontaneous discussions. Always support
thoughtful ideas, even those that don’t end up being used.
Empower TeamMembers
Give team members assignments that stretch their capabilities,
and let them know you’re there if they need guidance. But, give
them the tools and resources they need to meet the team’s goals,
and allow them to make decisions on their own and do what’s
needed to fulfill their roles.
Reward Great Teamwork
Teams are like individuals in that they’re motivated to do good
work when it’s rewarded. Rewards encourage continued team
efforts and make employees feel valued. You can use bonuses,
gifts, parties, public acknowledgement, or other means to show
appreciation to your team. Do it when they accomplish a goal,
exceed expectations, or help the company in a significant way.
By creating a work environment with a positive team approach,
you’ll have happier employees—and, very likely, a healthier
bottom line.
Successful businesses recognize the importance of strong teamwork, which can lead to improved
morale, an enhanced sense of shared purpose, and greater accountability. Your team could be
your department, a smaller group within the department, or an interdepartmental group devoted
to a special project.
Teams Make
Five tips for building a
high-performance team
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