Cozad Telephone Company's Website Compass

EVERY 6 HOURS a child dies due toABUSE 437,465 children in foster care In the United States there are x1000 children served by RFK over the last year in the U.S. 8,665 221RFK CAMPS EVERY 6 HOURS a child dies due toABUSE EVERY 6 HOURS a child dies due toABUSE 437,465 children in foster care In the United States there are x1000 children served by RFK over the last year in the U.S. 8,665 221RFK CAMPS in the United States EVERY 6 HOURS a child dies due toABUSE 437,465 children in foster care In the United States there are x1000 children served by RFK over the last year in the U.S. 8,665 221 EVERY 6 HOURS a child dies due toABUSE 6 437,465 children in foster care In the United States there are x1000 children served by RFK over the last year in the U.S. 8,665 221RFK CAMPS in the United States Making Moments Matter What if you could be the deciding factor of whether or not a seven year-old boy will spend the rest of his life in prison? What if you could choose the future for a ten year-old girl … between pregnant teenager vs successful, college-bound young adult? Royal Family KIDS is changing the trajectory of these children, by creating life-changing moments during weeklong summer camps and throughout the year with its Mentoring Club program. We invite individuals, church leaders, and businesses to engage with us in their community in efforts to serve more foster children. *To protect camper confidentiality, models are used in some photographs.