RTC Business Communicator for Fall 2014 - page 6

FALL 2014
Brand Advocates
are Your
Raving Fans
ustomers who buy your products are great,
and those who tell a few others about you
are even better. But the most valuable type of
customers are your raving fans, otherwise known as
brand advocates. These customers can have a huge
impact on your business. Since they love it so much,
they regularly want to sing its praises. Brand advo-
cates will tell glowing stories about your products
and services during conversations with friends, family,
and co-workers. They will also post enthusiastic
recommendations online via social media sites such
as Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest.
Since potential customers tend to believe messages
that come from other customers more than messages
directly from companies themselves, brand advocates
are a valuable tool for bringing in new business. While
some people will naturally be more excited about your
offerings than others, you can take steps to help en-
courage and develop brand advocates. Here are a few
ideas to get you started:
1. Hire employees who are passionate
your products and your mission. This enthusiasmwill
naturally spread to customers with whom they interact.
2. Provide great products
with desired features.
It may seem obvious but product features are the
factor that advocates mention most when asked what
makes them want to rave about a company.
3. Find out what your customers are passion-
ate about
and create promotions that drive those
factors. For example, many consumers are passionate
about outstanding customer service; Nordstrom and
Zappos are two companies that have taken note and
created exceptional customer service — and many
brand advocates.
4. Make it easy for brand advocates to cheer
about you.
Provide social links on your website
product pages, articles, blogs, and any other content
you post online.
5. Consider offering rewards.
brand advocates with discounts, freebies, and special
services can ensure they continue spreading the word.
However, proceed carefully, as other customers may be
turned off if they believe you are “paying” advocates to
share their enthusiasm.
6. Make it easy for advocates who create
their own content
to share it with the world.
You could create a section on your website de-
voted to customers who want to post photos of
themselves using your products.
7. Track and measure advocacy for your
Research the best online tools to use to
determine what people are saying about you, and
use the information to build future promotions.
Your business can win big
by encouraging these customers
Loyal brand advocates are more than just customers; they are actually an informal
extension of your marketing department. Nurture them and watch your business score!
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